Friday, June 24, 2011

Something Borrowed - Discusion 4

Hey all! Happy Friday and welcome to the last discussion of Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin!
Okay, so Dex totally grew on me throughout this story.  By the end, I actually liked him.  I could relate to him and Rachel a lot, but I won't get into it on my blog.  But that leads me to the writing of the book.  Obviously, this isn't going to win any literary prizes, but wow.  The writing kind of sucks.  And it kind of jumps a bit and makes you think someone is one way and then magically they are different.

Also, for chick lit I was doing okay with liking this until the last few chapters.  The way everything came out about the end of Dex/Darcy and the whole Darcy/Marcus thing.  Yeah, no.  The Darcy/Marcus thing pushed the book into ridiculous!!!

I also really enjoyed Ethan.  He was refreshing.

I own the next book in this series because I didn't realize it was the second in a series when I bought it and I am not sure I want to read it now.  Kind of worried about reading a book in Darcy's point of view.  But maybe I will get desperate this summer.


1. If you have NOT read the next book, do you think the Darcy/Marcus relationship is going to work? Were you surprised by this development?

2. Do you think Rachel/Dex will work out?

3. Was Darcy's reaction to finding out about Rachel/Dex what you expected? Do you think Rachel's parents will forgive her?

4. Does Rachel get a new job? What would keep her at her old job? What are her weaknesses that show up in her job that also show up in her judgment of friends/relationships?

5. Disloyalty is a major theme in this novel. How differently do men and women view cheating on a friend? Why is Darcy so indignant when she catches Dex and Rachel together when she has been having an affair of her own? ( from the discussion questions at the back of the book)

Thanks for joining us again this month! Enjoy your weekend!

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