Monday, June 20, 2011

In A Strange City

In this installment of my new series craze by Laura Lippman, Tess is visited by a John Pendleton Kennedy who wants Tess to unmask the Poe Toaster over a stolen bracelet.  Tess declines the job, but decides to stake out the cemetery that the Poe Toaster visits each January out of her own curiosity.  Who is this Poe Toaster? Just some random guy who appears each January at the Baltimore cemetery where Edgar Alan Poe is buried and leaves champagne and flowers.  Yeah, odd

So what happens when Tess watches the Poe Toaster? Another Poe Toaster arrives and is shot dead.  Enter the dramatics.

The guy who is killed is linked to the gay community and to possibly being involved in a string of robberies.  Tess integrates herself into the investigation even though no one has hired her.. yet.

I liked the Poe references and enjoyed learning more about Baltimore local history.  I really think I need to visit it soon! I did read the other book that was in the series before this, but I read it in the hospital and I really have no recollection of it, but I know I liked it! ;) Still going strong on the series.

Do you like Poe? What is your favorite Poe?

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