Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Lyric McKerrigan, Secret Librarian

 We love the library.  We always are getting books picked up and dropped off.  I recently started letting the three year old check out books too and she has been super excited.

We recently got Lyric McKerrigan, Secret Librarian by Jacob Sager Weinstein from the library and it has been my favorite to read in awhile!  It's a cute book for book lovers.  Lyric McKerrigan goes around and hands out the perfect book to people in challenging situations.  She is a secret book agent who has a knack at being in the right place at the right time with the right book.  

An evil genius is trying to take over the world and Lyric McKerrigan is going right behind him thwarting his plans.  It's great for kids who love super heroes and those that love graphic novels as it's set up similar to a comic at times.  We have read it oodles of times and we have to return it to the library soon, but it's also been one of Adeline's favorites and she copies the words with me.

What is the last library book you checked out that was surprise hit?