How far along? 28 weeks
Weight gain/loss: +6
Maternity clothes? I can still wear some regular shirts and comfy pants but it is mostly maternity.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? When I fall asleep I am dead to the world
Food cravings: Anything sweet
Maternity clothes? I can still wear some regular shirts and comfy pants but it is mostly maternity.
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep? When I fall asleep I am dead to the world
Food cravings: Anything sweet
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? She is kicking away as I type
What I miss? I really need a margarita or a Corona
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? She is kicking away as I type
What I miss? I really need a margarita or a Corona
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the dresser in mail and setting it up
We did get our travel system, extra car seat base and our pack n play in the mail this week! My husband's parents got them for us as our shower gift. They are still in the boxes downstairs. Don't really know what to do with them yet hahaha.

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Here is a picture of our Travel System. It is the Chicco Cortina in Fuego. The carseat goes up to 30 pounds woo woo and the stroller goes up to 50. I really like it and it closes up nice and compact and is not bulky like so many people seem to complain about travel systems.
Sadly, I did not pass my Glucose Screen so I have to take the 3 hour test. I just missed the cutoff so I really am not worried, just irritated I have to take the time to go do it and pay for more tests. wooo funnnnnnn. not.