Monday, February 20, 2012

In My Mailbox

Wow, this past week I collected a large number of books to my ever growing TBR stack!  I love books and have a bit of problem but have been doing soooo well with buying them!

Here is a peek into what I got..

Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte (I ordered this from Amazon because it was a really cheap deal and I really mean to read it!)

Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green & David Levithan (I got this in a Valentine's goodie box and am so excited to finally read it!)

Blindsighted - Karin Slaughter (A friend recently recommended this author and I am excited to get into it, it is ALSO from my valentine's goodie box!)

Love thy Neighbor - Mark Gilleo (For review via, Partners in Crime, and I am going to have a giveaway as well! but not of this book.. haha)

Abducted -  T. R. Ragan - (My first ever book that I borrowed on our Kindle Fire!)

And yes, we do now own a Kindle aka a freaking e-reader.  I am still not a fan, but since we get one free book a month via our Amazon Prime I haaave to check it out.  Still going to love on my books, but I will admit that it will make traveling at spring break easier, except for how many freaking electronics we need to bring! And it was not even my suggestion or decision to buy it.  My non-reading Staple Rewards Points burning a hole in his pocket husband did!

What books have you recently acquired?

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