34 weeks! don't mind the fact that apparently my mirror is still dirty from last week..whoops.
How far along? 34 weeks
Weight gain/loss: 11 pounds.. that was quite the growth this last week!
Maternity clothes? in today's photo my top is a size larger shirt with a maternity tank underneath and maternity pants.
Stretch marks? 1 stinking stretch mark underneath my belly button
Sleep? horrid. the last week has been bad. up ridiculous amounts to pee and then usually around 3:30 i am up and cannot fall asleep... i get maybe an hour or so when my husband gets up but then i am EXHAUSTED by mid afternoon.
Best moment this week? having the weekend trip with the hubby!
Food cravings: anything sweet
Gender: Girl
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? all the time.. if i am sitting/standing/laying in a way she doesn't like she lets me know
What I miss? energy
What I'm looking forward to: getting some stuff around the house organized, a shelving unit set up in her room this weekend and then my shower is coming up in 2 weeks! \
Milestones: We started childbirth classes last night. Wasn't as graphic as I had been led to believe by my friend and I think it was a different one than she watched cuz ours as badly filmed as it was, was not from the 70s and hers was. I would put ours at early 2000s or late 90s.
Okay, and if the format on this is off.. I quit.. I swear to god blogger and I are fighting.
And we are no closer to a name this week than last! haha..
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