Oh my goodness, Georgia is hilarious! Her journal starts right back where she left us banned from school and a Sex God's girlfriend. I think the best part of this is her ridiculous thoughts and sentences. And the fact that she is SO selfish that I don't think her friend Jas (who she talks to a lot) ever gets a full sentence in!
In the ever mind changing pace of a teenager, while Georgia is so happy to be SG's girlfriend (swoon, and let us think about the snogging) she also may possibly like Dave the Laugh again, even though she dumped him and he was just a Red Herring. Oh boy, what to do?
Angus the cat is going through a serious love affair with the Across the Road Neighbor's vixen of a cat. There is serious discussion of removing his trouser snake addendum's to keep him away from Naomi the cat.
I also just have to share some random lines from Georgia...
My only slight worry is Rosie's theory of things growing if they get snogged (like your lips). If he goes on snogging my ears, will I get elephant ears? pg. 128
11:00 p.m
Before I went to bed I explained to the elderly snoggers (from outside the door just in case they were touching each other) that I will not in a zillion years be going on the family excursion to Scotland tomorrow and said good night. pg. 7
I have come on holiday by mistake. p.8
Georgia really is Stephanie Plum for the YA crowd! :)
In the ever mind changing pace of a teenager, while Georgia is so happy to be SG's girlfriend (swoon, and let us think about the snogging) she also may possibly like Dave the Laugh again, even though she dumped him and he was just a Red Herring. Oh boy, what to do?
Angus the cat is going through a serious love affair with the Across the Road Neighbor's vixen of a cat. There is serious discussion of removing his trouser snake addendum's to keep him away from Naomi the cat.
I also just have to share some random lines from Georgia...
My only slight worry is Rosie's theory of things growing if they get snogged (like your lips). If he goes on snogging my ears, will I get elephant ears? pg. 128
11:00 p.m
Before I went to bed I explained to the elderly snoggers (from outside the door just in case they were touching each other) that I will not in a zillion years be going on the family excursion to Scotland tomorrow and said good night. pg. 7
I have come on holiday by mistake. p.8
Georgia really is Stephanie Plum for the YA crowd! :)
This book sounds really good and funny. Great review! Is it part of a series?
Yes it is part of the Georgia Nicholson's series written by Louise Rennison.. I reviewed the first two books last week. They are hilarious.
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