Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What a week of horrid humidity taught me...

- The next child (if there is a next child) will have complete room darkening shades from day 1.  We put our daughter downstairs to sleep last week because we do NOT have central air and our upstairs was just too much.  The first night sleeping in the walkway between all of our downstairs rooms with all of the doors shut? She slept from 8:40 pm until 10:21 the next day.  The next day? 9:40 pm until 10:35 am.  That days nap? Over 2 hours.  Yes, please.

Now she normally is an excellent sleeper at night and naps well, and we also DO have room darkening shades but they are window by window and so there is still some light in the room.  But dang...

- Make friends with people who DO have central air.  Tuesday we spent all day at my moms, came home to a crockpot dinner and then headed out to a nice and sweaty beer ball field.  Wednesday we hit the lake for the 4th, Thursday we went family grocery shopping and Friday I spent half the day at a friends and half the day at my moms.

- Use my crockpot and grill.  We used the crockpot for  Monday/Tuesday and Friday's dinners.  We enjoyed Rotel Chicken and BBQ chicken sandwiches and my house did not get warmer.  Thursday we grilled burgers. Over the weekend? Grilled chicken/jalapeno/bacon/cheese sandwiches and burgers.

- Eat downstairs.  No need to sweat while we eat.

- My pool is the best thing ever, except for when you leave the solar cover on and it is warmer than my bath tub and cooler to just get out.  True story that happened on Thursday.

- Drink lots of beer, Jack Daniels and lemonade and forgetttttt about it!

Also? Best seat in the house is right in front of the window air conditioner.

I love summer but last week about killlllled me.  I want central air for Christmas! ;)

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