Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chicken Ranch Pasta Salad!

Last week I was looking around for quick and easy light summer pasta recipes to start a collection to be able to grab from and I came across the Ranch Turkey Pasta Salad and it looked amazing! So I adapted and came up with the Ranch Turkey Pasta Salad!

- 8 ounces of pasta
- onion (1/2 of a small about)
- 1 carrot
- 1 green pepper
- 1 chicken breast
- cheese (as much as you want)
- bacon bits (as much as you want)
- between 1/2 cup to 1 cup ranch

First, I cooked my pasta and then ran it under cold water.  In the mean time I cooked up chicken breast and cut my veggies/cheese.

Here are the veggies.  I would totally add peas or celery or whatever you had at the time.  This is what we had.  I would also think of maybe cutting up tomato and putting it on the individual servings as a topper.

Cheese.. yunmmmm.. this is cheddar... and it reminds me I have more in my fridge to eat !!!

Here is the chicken that I cooked with EVOO, garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper.  I would maybe think of marinating it ahead of time.  But I'm not sure what you would want to use.  Maybe even some EVOO and some chili pepper or cracked pepper for some kick?

After the pasta is cooked and cooled (rinsing under cold water).  Stir in ranch.  I used a full cup and I kind of think that might have been too much (the other recipe called for 2 cups and that would be RIDICULOUS!).  I would start at maybe 1/2 cup and adjust as you add.  Then I added in the chicken, and veggies and cheese and stirred it around really well.  Then topped with bacon bits! I put it in the in fridge for about a half an hour before we ate but even longer would make it better.  It was awesome as leftovers!

Yum!!!! Definitely recommend! It was a nice cold salad!

What is your favorite cold salad to eat in the summer?

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