Monday, November 23, 2009

December Blogger Book Club suggestions..

I have enjoyed reading our first to selections I See You Everywhere by Julia Glass and (still finishing) Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen. The first is probably not a book I would have picked to read on my own and the second is one I wanted to discuss with others. :)

So any suggestions for December? Is there a holiday themed book you've always wanted to read? Another classic that is itchy to be read? Or a newer book you've wanted to tackle?

Leave suggestions in the comments until Thursday afternoon and on Friday I will put up a poll for Decembers group read with the winner decided by Monday evening and announced Tuesday, December 1st.

Get suggesting.. :)


Amber said...

I actually just picked this book up at the library so that's why I'm voting for it, haha:

The Help by, Kathryn Stockett.

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

The Awakening - Kate Chopin

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

Lisa's Yarns said...

Hmm, what to choose, what to choose. If we did a Christmas themed one, I would suggest The Christmas Sweater as that is a Christmas book I've been wanting to read.

I'm up for anything, though!