Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Day in the life of Heather...

Today, we have Heather from Learning to Laugh.  She has an adorable son, Drew and a smiley little girl Alynn who is a week older than Miss I.  She's far more productive and busy on a daily basis than me and I really have no idea how she does it!

Emily has asked me to describe a normal day in my life as a stay at home mom. Honestly, I feel like I am incredibly boring but hopefully someone will find my life to be slightly entertaining. I choose to share a Tuesday with you guys since that is our most eventful day.

5am: My husbands alarm goes off, quickly followed by my 2 year old Drew creeping into our room asking for milk. He would happily be up for the day, but goes back down when I ask him too. Alynn, our 7 month old hears us and wakes up for her first bottle. I feed her while Naythan showers.

6am: Alynn is back in bed, so I eat breakfast with Naythan and see him off to work. I than shower and get dressed.

6:45am: I sit down  with a cup of coffee to do school work. (Oh on top of being a stay at home mom, I am also a full time student.)

8:15am: Both kids wake up for the day so there is a rush to change diapers and get food into little bellies. I put on Dinosaur Train for Drew while I make him food, then we all sit down at the table and I try to feed Alynn her bananas which is no easy task while trying to keep Drew from feeding is syrup covered waffles to the dog. 

9am: Everyone gets a bath and dressed than Drew gets to watch a short show of his choosing while I check out facebook and message boards. He normally chooses Thomas the Train and I can only take so much shunting, buffing and bunting before I feel like shooting anything that even thinks about huffing or puffing,

9:20am: I turn off the show, set Drew up with a craft and run around the house like a crazy person trying to clean up. Drew will come behind me and undo most of the cleaning I just did until I give in and let him play in the sink which results in the kitchen looking like Niagara falls just had a baby. At least now I don’t have to mop. Alynn is crawling around and playing until I start the vacuum then she screams in terror until I pick her up and put her in the Moby.

10:35 am: the house is clean. I put Alynn down for a nap, set Drew on the potty, and we sit down to read a book.

10:55 am: Our speech therapist shows up and we spend the next hour on the floor trying hard to coax words out of Drew.

12pm: Alynn wakes up so I let her bang a spoon on her high chair while I make a salad for Naythan and I, mac and cheese for Drew. While I am busy in the kitchen, Drew is stripping off all his clothes and before I catch him he is peeing on the dog. I wrestle clothes back on him. Naythan comes home and we all eat together.

1pm: The kids and I sit down to read books or color since it is to cold to go outside these days. If it is nice we will head to the park to run off some energy for a while. Or we will go out the store. Something to get out of the house before I lose my mind!

3:30pm: Naptime. Thank God. Both kids go down and I sit in a quiet house. Or I will catch up on my shows. Play around online, do homework, talk on the phone and unwind.

4:30pm: I start prepping dinner. Skype with my baby sister or Talk to my best friend.

4:50pm: Alynn wakes up and we play together. We love this time because I can focus on just her and she can roam the house without worrying about being ran over by her big brother.

5:00pm: Drew is up and I start working on dinner while he plays with his sister and watches Dinosaur Train on Netflix. I love watching them play together. At least until he pushes her over which results in both kids crying.

6:30pm: Naythan is home from the gym so we all eat together. Once again begging and pleading with Drew to eat something other than hotdogs and cheese.

7:30pm: Start bedtime routines. Bath, books, bottle, bed. Alynn crawls around while Drew wrestles with his daddy. This is seriously my favorite time of the day. My heart melts every time I see them play together. All this time I am doing dishes and getting drawn into their games.

8:15pm: Both kids are in bed. I head to the gym.

9:35pm: Home from the gym to a quiet house. Naythan and I snuggle on the couch watching a NCIS.

10:30pm: Do more homework, play online, or fall asleep on the couch.

11 pm: I fall into bed, only to start it all over again in the morning.

I seriously love being able to stay home with my kiddos. They crack me up and I laugh all day long. I feel incredibly blessed.

Thanks, Heather! Have you gone back to school while working?

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