I do so hope I wasn't the only one who read this, because it will be sad to talk to myself. However, I came up with some questions while I was reading. And I had a few others that I knew sounded really good but then I forgot to write them down and I forgot them. Whoops. Blog fail.
Some of these questions don't necessarily require you to have read the book to throw in your 2 cents and I don't think I revealed tooo much to spoil it completely for you!
1. Do You think CJ leaves Westlake?
2. What do you think of the 'clarity' Ashley gave Tilly?
(Okay, I must say that the clarity thing had me rolling my eyes sooo much about this book. To me it was silly and preposterous and was a major problem I had with the book. Otherwise I enjoyed it. But I do know that there had to be some reason for Tilly to see what was happening, but I think the story could have gone another way. Just not big on 'clarity' or psychics or any of that.)
3. Do you choose to only see the positive and ignore all the bad? Do you solve other people's problems like Tilly?
(I am such a pessimist. Completely a see the bad never the good. I like solving other people's problems and usually can find positives for them. Just not myself!)
4. What do you think Tilly's future holds for her?
5. Can Tilly forgive her father for all of his transgressions? Including, the incident that Darcy walked in on?
(This is something that I would really have liked to see happen at the end of the book. Did she or didn't she? Old Tilly hands down would have, but new Tilly may or may not and I find that authentic and real and probably keeping her away would be a good idea!)
And here are a few questions from author Allison Winn Scotch's site.
6. If you could be given the power to see into the future like Tilly is, would you use it? What positive or negative effects could this have in the scope of your life?
7. Tilly and her sisters have complicated, tangled relationships. Do you think you can ever separate who you are from who your family has helped shape you to be?
(In the last year or so I have really started to notice that I act different around my family. I revert back to my youth and act in a manner that I did back then. Is it to keep the same facade up with them? Or is to keep myself safe from the judging? If I act like I don't care or I'm silly it won't matter that I am a huge loser and failure in life? Who knows. But I think the way we act around the people we have known the longest is quite interested and complicated. )
8. Many of Tilly’s happiest moments are set in her past. How does this influence her assessment of the present? Do you look back fondly on high school or is it a memory that you’ve long outgrown?
9. Tilly rediscovers long-abandoned aspirations and learns that even aiming toward small goals can change your life. What are your small but important goals that you’d like to achieve within the next year?
(I would love to have a job that I like. I would like to find some direction and determine what I want to do/what I should do / what will make me happy.)
10. Tilly discovers that destiny is only partially pre-determined, that life is a mix of fate and what you exert over fate. Do you believe in destiny or is life totally within our control?
Oh and a plug for Allison's blog because I saw she had a post today about maiden name v. married name and I know some of you (Kelly and myself) have struggled with this!
And don't forget to suggest a book for next month!! Poll will be up on the sidebar tomorrow!
Thanks for linking to Allison's post- very interesting, and me and her share a maiden name :) it's a hard one to get rid of!
I'm so sorry I didn't read this book. I'm STILL on the wait list. Ahh! I wish libraries could somehow get a million copies of new books haha.
1. Do You think CJ leaves Westlake?
I absolutely do.
2. What do you think of the 'clarity' Ashley gave Tilly?
I definitely would not have classified it is "clarity" though of course the word clairvoyant has the same root. Ummm, a bit hokey, I do believe in the supernatural but this felt very contrived.
3. Do you choose to only see the positive and ignore all the bad? Do you solve other people's problems like Tilly?
I'm somewhere in the middle. I like to think of myself as a positive pessimist. I love to give advice, and I have a hard time saying no, but I wouldn't put myself in the same class as Tilly.
4. What do you think Tilly's future holds for her?
Honestly? I think she won't be very happy. Someone who has rosecolored glasses forcibly removed will not see the great satisfaction in the small things.
5. Can Tilly forgive her father for all of his transgressions? Including, the incident that Darcy walked in on?
Yes, but never to her core. She will want to move past it though.
And here are a few questions from author Allison Winn Scotch's site.
6. If you could be given the power to see into the future like Tilly is, would you use it? What positive or negative effects could this have in the scope of your life?
Absolutely I would, I won't lie. I think it would take the mystery out of life though, and I would lose out on a perk of living.
7. Tilly and her sisters have complicated, tangled relationships. Do you think you can ever separate who you are from who your family has helped shape you to be?
Nope, my family has formed me and since they are good, loving people I am happy about this.
8. Many of Tilly’s happiest moments are set in her past. How does this influence her assessment of the present? Do you look back fondly on high school or is it a memory that you’ve long outgrown?
Don't really know how I feel about this one, so I will skip it.
9. Tilly rediscovers long-abandoned aspirations and learns that even aiming toward small goals can change your life. What are your small but important goals that you’d like to achieve within the next year?
(I would love to have a job that I like. I would like to find some direction and determine what I want to do/what I should do / what will make me happy.) This is all I want too.....
10. Tilly discovers that destiny is only partially pre-determined, that life is a mix of fate and what you exert over fate. Do you believe in destiny or is life totally within our control?
In the middle, kind of like those choose your own ending books.
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