The Night Before the Tooth Fairy, cracks me up with its very first lines..
'Twas the night before the Tooth FairyOkay, so maybe I just find little kid talk adorable?
would come take my tooth,
I'd been so excited
ever since it got looth.
This starts out telling the story of a little boy with a loose tooth and the various strategies his parents suggest to get it out. It eventually pops out and he plops it under the pillow for the Tooth Fairy. This is when the story picks up into the same writing style as Twas the Night Before Christmas. It's cute, the pictures are adorable and both little boys and little girls LOVE the Tooth Fairy!
I really like the pictures in the book and I always make sure to check them out since I know that is what my students are checking out. Some weird things I noticed, are the DISTURBING pictures on the wall of the boys room. He definitely likes making pictures of monsters!
I would say that this would be best for ages 4-7!
aw, cute! tooth fairy stories are the best :) haha. i believed in the tooth fairy up until the 5th grade.
I think that sounds adorable! I might have to get that one for Lily!
Sounds like a cute book! Love the book cover. Have a great day!
Just Books
I love the opening line too! That sounds like a cute book!
Yes, you had me at the opening line!
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