Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Five Things

Good Tuesday Morning! Here are five random things about me..

1. When I was younger I wanted to be a writer and filled many notebooks and journals with stories.  I lived so much in my head I could barely keep all my stories straight.

2.  I love road trips but prefer to be the driver.  As long as we aren't in a city or on a super busy highway.  I love two lane roads for random drives because I tend to get car sick as the passenger.  Unless the car is cold.

3. I spent my freshman year of college spring break with my grandparents in Scottsdale, AZ and would do it again in a flash.  I loved hanging out with them and had a lot more fun than if I had gone with my friends to Panama City, lets be real, I've always been an old person.

4. I hate cold weather.  It's getting worse each year.  I think I need to be in a place where 60s is the low in the winter.  I just cannot do this.  It's only the beginning of November and we had a decent October.  I don't think I own enough hoodies and sweats to get me through the winter.

5.  I don't really like apple cider.  I keep trying but unless it is a spruced up with some liquor and warmed, I'm just not that excited about it. 

What's something about you that I may not know?

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