Friday, June 6, 2014

5 on Friday

1.       It’s my last day of work of the school year! This was my most trying year yet.  Beginning with going full-time for the first time as a parent and then meeting all the families.  Let’s just say you wouldn’t even believe my school year if I told you.  It was that ‘interesting,’ to be PC and still employable we will leave it at that.

2.       So excited for what the summer has in hold!  8 day camping trip, James Taylor in concert, multiple family parties, one-on-one time with my little lady, pool time, boating, my best-friend from childhood will be home for a visit, camping on Lake Huron once if not twice, an anniversary trip to Traverse City area and reading in my hammock.  It shall be good.

3.       I feel the stress lifting.  No work, no classes.  Just me, a three year old and summer.  It sounds so glorious!!!!!!

4.       I’m reading South of Broad by Pat Conroy and I am so glad I will have more free time to finish it up this weekend.  A little wordy (he always is) but a great story with quirky characters.

5.       DID I MENTION I AM DONE WITH WORK???????????????????????

Happy Weekend! What are your plans?

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