Monday, June 23, 2014

11 Things

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

During the school year, I check to see if I have any messages/emails for work and then I immediately go to the bathroom and shower.  In the summer, I listen to see if I am up before my child and then I laze in bed and check social media or read my book for awhile until she wakes up or I need to get up to make coffee!

What do you eat for breakfast?
It depends.  I don't like eating right when I wake up so sometimes I'd grab stuff for work like a yogurt or granola bar.  Otherwise I eat anything from eggs, pancakes or waffles.

What’s your go-to weeknight meal?
When we have nothing else planned we tend to go with spaghetti and a salad.  Because we always have those ingredients!

Do you do any kind of journaling or memory keeping?
Just this blog now.  I used to have a private online one, which I technically still do, I just don't update it and I haven't written in a real journal since high school?

How do you fix your coffee, or do you prefer tea (or neither)? 
Coffee I will either drink black or I will put in caramel maccihiato creamer. Yum.

What’s the last good book you read?
I've read a lot of good books lately, South of Broad by Pat Conroy, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell and Before She Woke by Hillary Jordan to name a few!

If you had a day all to yourself with no schedule, how would you spend it?
Sleep in, go out for breakfast and enjoy a lot of coffee! Head to the farmer's market and look around, go to Target, visit the library, make guacamole and eat that with chips for lunch, read in my hammock, go on a boat ride and grill out for dinner.

What are three things on your life list? 
Visit a beach in a different country with my husband again, get a new house, visit Washington D.C.

When you really need to relax or de-stress, where do you go and what do you do?
Lay on the hammock alone, drink a glass of wine or 2, or bitch to my friend!

What’s on your nightstand?
A book I finished awhile ago that I need to donate, the book I'm currently reading, my lamp, water bottle,and phone.

What’s the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Go to the bathroom, if I need to set my alarm I do that and then I go to bed.  Some nights I read, and some nights I just go right to bed.

What are some things on your life list?

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