The recipe is adjusted from Mama Pea's recipe here. And before you read of all my adjustments just know that I am not vegan nor do I care to make my sweets healthy. So enter my de-healthifying of the Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Balls.
My recipe:
• 1/2 c. margarine
• 3/4 c. extra crunchy peanut butter
• 1/2 c. brown sugar
• 3/4 c. powdered sugar
• 1/2 t. vanilla extract
• 1 t. baking powder
• 1/2 t. baking soda
• 3/4 t. salt
• 1 ½ cup flour
• 1 c. chocolate chips (plus the extras that fell out as i poured and the ones i used because the bag was almost empty)
Hubby was home and of course had to play around on our new camera (Nikon D3100) and watched as I made these and he called it my cooking show. I am kind of disappointed in some of the shots but, he was very eager to participate. The only photo I took was the last one of the finished product on my plate.
Using a mixer, beat margarine, peanut butter, sugars and vanilla until it's all mixed together. (Anyone else start freaking out at the beginning of mixing that it's not going to turn out correctly?)
Add dry mixture to the mixer bowl a little at a time. Mix until a dough forms.
Combine and chill dough for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Form balls with the dough and place on cookie sheets. (And taste test if you are us!) Bake for 10 minutes.

Don't mind the messy stove whoops. Have the balls cool for about a minute and then move to a cooling rack. Or once again, taste test like we did and be careful of burning your fingers haha.
And enjoy! I had these with a big ole glass of milk and it was divine. These were pretty good and they satisfied by peanut butter/chocolate craving. However, I must have missed the amazzzzzzzzzing part, they were just okay. I will take my Buckeye Bars any day. But they are quick, easy and good.
Don't mind the messy stove whoops. Have the balls cool for about a minute and then move to a cooling rack. Or once again, taste test like we did and be careful of burning your fingers haha.
(Poll is up on the side to pick a group read selection for January. It is open until around 6pm on the 23rd.)