I have to thank Reading is Sexy for her review of the hilarious antics of Georgia, which inspired me to check out Louise Rennison at my local library. It took me a week to get through this, but honestly should have taken me just a few hours, I blame Christmas. :)
This book has a ton of Brit humor, which I love and is written in journal format with the narrator being a fourteen-year-old girl. It's funny because it totally takes you back to 14 and the RIDICULOUSNESS that is 14 and female. All the outrageous antics you do to make yourself look good and to impress boys. All the fickle things you say and do to your "best-friends." This book does not disappoint.
Georgia is in love with a sex-goddess (Robbie) who she hopes to be her boyfriend. There are a lot of misadventures on her quest to achieve this and a lot of them are her own fault. She has a cat named Angus who is quite the terror, a sister who is hilarious, and parents she could do without. (Remember she is 14.)
However, this was hilarious and I loved how it was written in journal form and that she wrote constantly. I also liked how it was believable for 14. None of the crap of being "soo grown up" and what not. Realistic childish ridiculous fun. Oh and some snogging and running through the streets with her nuddypants on. :)
Check it out if you want a laugh and some good YA fiction. There are also more stories in the Georgia series and unfortunately unless I pull off a Christmas miracle and finish the other 2 that I have checked out TODAY, I will have to wait awhile to get back to them as they are being held at the library and I cannot renew them.
Don't forget to vote for the January Group Read (poll on the side..)
Also, don't forget to pick out books for me to read in 2010 and enter to win a prize!!
I had to read this in an adolescent literature class I took in college - I agree, it's hilarious!
Oh I read this book when I was younger and LOVED it! It had me laughing out loud!!
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