today at 14 weeks! I look way bigger than I think I look. Perhaps I was just that fat before hand? I notice a difference but I swear I don't look that big to myself but looking at this picture I look huge! haha
How far along? 14 weeksWeight gain/loss: down 6
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but the cords that I wore today were a lot more snug than they were last week when I wore them. I sense they will be in my near future!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep? Sleep has been fabulous and I have actually made it 5 hour stretches with out waking up at night to pee!!
Best moment this week? Going to the doctor and hearing the heartbeat again! It was going away fast and strong about 155 bpm. Plus, I got schedule our appointment for our anatomy scan where we will hopefully find out that our baby is growing on schedule and if it has boy parts or girl parts!! My blood pressure which is usually great was even better than before, my bloodwork came back great and overall things were awesome!
Food cravings: mashed potatoes and gravy!!!
Gender: We both think it is a girl because we have always wanted a boy so much haha.
Belly button in or out? In
Movement? I'm sure it is not, but sometime at night I think it is. I'm sure when it happens regularly I'll know!
What I miss? Really wanted a Clamato Bud Light while tailgating last week. My dad's looked sooo good! Typically, light beer this pregnancy has not been a desire, but that Clamato juice looked good! I have also wanted margaritas like crazy!
What I'm looking forward to: Seeing family over Thanksgiving and our anatomy scan!
Milestones: By all accounts I am totally into 2nd trimester!
yea for being in the 2nd trimester!! :) I do not think you look huge at all! I think you look great!
I don't think you look huge! I definitely see a cute little baby bump there, though! Can't wait to see it grow even more :)
Ooh yay a picture! You do not look huge at all! So excited everything's going well now - and wahoo for 2nd trimester!
Yay! 2nd tri. I don't think you look huge... just wait! I'm 36 weeks today and feeling quite large. :)
It goes back so fast! I can't believe I'm due in 28 days. CRAZY!
I thought I looked rather big when I posted my belly picture as well! LOL.
I think you look great too :) When do you get to find out if its a boy or girl?
You don't look big at all! Second trimester was the BEST! I felt SO much better!
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