Friday, February 18, 2022


I have no idea how weeks can fly by in the blink of an eye and I feel like I am still needing to do all the things I was supposed to at the beginning of the week.  I think that's life entertaining a 2 year old and maintaining sanity.  I have been meaning to do quite a few things for awhile but nap time and after everyone is in bed have become my time to do whatever the heck I want and that is none of the things I need to be doing.  Whoops.

 Pictures from the week:

These Tiny Polka Dot cards are so cool.  There are so many math games you can do with then.  Right now we are in the dumping them and then very delicately returning the to the box stage.  She recognizes "no dots" (zero) and will count up to 3 dots on a card.

Last Saturday night, the oldest brought me her Harry Potter cookbook and said she wanted to make sugar biscuits because they are practically cookies here! :)  So she baked for us.

We had a day where it was a high of 48 and so of course we had to get the sidewalk chalk out! Even though it was 44 and cold at this point in the day.

Trying to make a point of reading books aloud each day, even if someone is distracted away.  Her favorite thing is to read alone which is turning her own pages of a book while I turn my own pages.  But I've been trying to read even when she is wandering around the room.  She's stopped taking them from me so it's progress.  She's a do it yourself type and doesn't want my help ha.

Playin in this tub of water is seriously her favorite thing ever.

I recommend all of these books! So good!

The high of my week was coaching our battle of the books team in their first virtual battle this week.  

The low of my week was  eh.

Meal plan for the week was  
Monday -  seafood ravioli, garlic bread, corn
Tuesday -  taco pie, sunflower salad, corn, cherry tomatoes
Wednesday -  Pesto Chicken, buttered noodles, kiwi, sweet kale salad
Thursday -  my husband was in charge of this and he did a,  frozen pizza, homemade potato skins (we had frozen these awhile ago when making soup) and street corn dip and chips
Friday -  Homemade Crunchy Taco Hamburger Helper via IowaGirlEats, huge fam favorite here.  Cherry tomatoes and corn on the side.

The best money I spent was on probably the frito snack bag that I got the girls for battle snacks! They loved them haha! I also bought groceries, more kids KN95s, and a lazy susan to try in a cupboard. 

What I’m listening to  Human Hope podcast, southlake, undistracted, pod save the people...

What I’m watching Summer House.  I am almost done with season 5 and then need to catch up on the current season 6.  I started Real Housewives of Salt Lake City and then paused when I got sucked into Summer house.  As a family we are watching Abbott Elementary and Matlock.  My husband and I are watching Yellowstone.

What I’m reading:  Untamed and The Woman in Cabin 10

My plans for the weekend nada.  I really want to go through all of my clothes because my dresser is out of control.  I was going to do it last weekend and got distracted.  We have planned out very yummy dinners because we need to clear out some room in our freezer for the new cow we are getting Tuesday.

What are you watching/reading/listening to?

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