Friday, September 7, 2018


Phew! First 4 week day of the school year is at the weekend! On our way out the door today my daughter said she was excited to sleep in tomorrow and I was not to wake her up unless she slept until 12:00! Got it, kiddo! Sleep is wonderful!

My favorite picture from the week:

The high of my week was volunteering at the School Book Fair today! Loved helping the kids find books that matched their interests and how excited they all were to get new books!

The low of my week was missing my girl now that she is back to school all day. 

My Workouts: a family walk on Tuesday and then solo walks on Wednesday and Thursday

Meal plan for the week was Make your own Mini Pizzas with green beans, Smothered pork chops / mashed potatoes zucchini parm crisps and peaches from our garden, Sweet potato hash with Eggs, tomato soup and toast..Tonight we are going to a festival that has food trucks and Monday we had leftovers from the weekend!

The best money I spent was on my mom's birthday present from a local store that sells homemade Michigan products!

What I’m listening to   This week I've been catching up on a lot of older Book Riot Podcasts and Chatty Sisters!

What I’m watching Just starting Little Women on Masterpiece

What I’m reading:  STILL READING The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach and Will's Choice by Joan Lowery Dixon.  Plugging Away!

My plans for the weekend include a festival tonight that has live music, food trucks and a beer garden.  Tomorrow football watching and the kiddo is having a sleepover with my mom so we get to have a date night.  Not sure what we will do! I am going to make potato soup and we will use the potato skins for a football snack! The weather is cooler this weekend so it will be good to give the kiddo some down time and not feel like we need to be out in the sun!

What was your high from the week? What are you reading?

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