Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Five

Wahooo.  First week of February done, one week closer to the first week of JUNE! I'm a copier and wanted to participate in this when I saw a few others including Amber doing this and I think this is the first time I've gotten myself around to make it happen.

High of the week - "I love you too, Mama.." best words ever.  <3 p="">
Low of the week - Wednesday was a no good, very bad day.  I was hoping for a snow day, but I didn't get one.  My kid moved slower than slow out the door.  We left the house 10 minutes late and the roads were bad.  I had to work.  Just little thing after little thing pissed me off.  I really could not get myself out of the funk.

Books I read - The All Girl's Filling Station Last Reunion by Fannie Flagg which turned out to be an awesome book that tied in some WWII stateside women history with a time period flip between then and now which I think would appeal to Sarah Jio lovers.

Workouts - Sunday I began my squat challenge so I did 50 squats while I watched the Super Bowl. Monday I did 2.26 miles on the treadmill and 60 squats.  Tuesday I did 2.3 miles on the treadmill and 65 squats.  Wednesday I did 1.2 miles on the treadmill, 100 crunches, 90 jumping jacks, 10 lunges per leg, 70 squats, 20 second plank, 40 jumping jacks, 20 high knees per leg and 1 measly push up. Thursday I did my 70 squats, did half of the 30 day shred before my laptop died on me, booooo and did 1.5 miles on the treadmill.  Tonight I plan on doing about 2 miles on the treadmill and maybe a workout DVD depends on lap top battery and what not.

Best Money I Spent - Hmm... I bought two things online that haven't come yet.. a book and some tinted moisturizer.. but the coke that saved the day on Tuesday was a good dollar spent. ;)

My plans for the weekend - I plan on a Sunday night date with my hubby because my daycare is closed Monday and the child will be spending the night at her grandparents.  Possibly story hour at the nature center on Saturday and I really need new makeup and an eyebrow wax so that may happen

What workouts did you do this week? Read any good books?

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