Friday, March 1, 2013

The Song Remains the Same - Final Discussion

Happy Friday!

I really enjoyed this book.  It wasn't too flighty and it wasn't too deep.  It didn't move me as much as Still Alice did in regards to memory loss but it still made me think.

Excerpts from an interview with She Knows:

SheKnows: What books are you reading with your kids right now?

Allison Winn Scotch: My 5-year-old has just started reading independently, and that is truly the thrill of a lifetime. She and I read a lot of Pinkalicious books, as well as Arthur and D.W books. (She's a little sister, so she adores D.W.) My 7-year-old is a voracious reader, and I'm constantly on the hunt for books to keep him occupied. Right now, he is obsessed with sports, so he's actually reading The 100 Greatest Moments in Sports, which I think is a Sports Illustrated book. He also really loves all the Roald Dahl books, Pippi Longstocking (my favorite!) and the Roscoe Riley series. Oh, and I introduced him to Encyclopedia Brown, and he loves it as much as I did growing up.

SheKnows: What are you reading now? And or what books are you hoping to read when you find the time?

Allison Winn Scotch: My TBR list is unending. Literally... it may never end. But right now, I'm finishing up Nichole Bernier's debut novel, The Unfinished Work of Elizabeth D, and it has been fantastic. Loved it. Up next for me is The Underside of Joy by Sere Prince Halverson.

1. Nell tries to use her memory loss to her advantage, to reinvent herself and her relationships with the people closest to her. To what extent are these reinventions successful? What obstacles does Nell face when attempting to make these changes?

2. Most of Nell’s memories are triggered by music. Are there any sounds, tastes, scents, or sensations that remind you of specific memories?

3. Nell decides not to reconnect with her father after coming to terms with his absence. Do you agree with her decision to bury “old ghosts”? What would you do if it were your decision? Why do you think the author allowed us to draw our own conclusions about Nell’s father’s silence, and how does that choice affect our reading experience?

4.  How did you feel about the ending?

5. How did you experience the book? Were you engaged immediately, or did it take you a while to
"get into it"?

6.  What did you think of the character development? Believable or were there fails?

Can't wait to talk about another book next month with you all!

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