Monday, December 7, 2020

Holiday Board Book Recommendations 2020 Edition

 Tis the season of what do I get her/him/he/she/they/everyone.  I thought I'd share a few of the board books that we have enjoyed this last year.

A is for Awesome is such a great shero alphabet book.  It mentions women who are famous from A-Z and my 9 year old loves reading it and using it as a point of looking up information on some of the women shared.

On the Night You were Born is such a sweet book about how everyone is so very excited on the night the child is born.  It was my oldests and she LOVES reading it to her sister.

Music Is....  this book is so delightful and fun to read with expression.  My 1 year old LOVES music and her body immediately starts to dance when you say the word music.  She loves this book.  And I love the illustrations.

Down By the Bay is another hold over from the oldest that the youngest requests far more often than her big sister did.  She loves music and this book REQUIRES you to sing it, of course. :)

Your Baby's first word will be Dada is a love here as well.   My 1 year old is obsessed with her DADA and this book is meant to be read with a lot of DADAs, yelled with expression.  

Alfie and Bet's ABC book is one of my favorite ABC books for kids because it has more unusual words for A-Z, and as the most often reader of the books, I appreciate talking about more unique objects than the typical ball, cow, cat, etc...

Little Blue Truck is just a sweet tale of helping each other out. A little wordy but just a good good story!

Goodnight Moon is an old classic and I probably like it more than either of my kids requests it, but I just love it!

Colorful World: Sea find what's different is nicely illustrated and is good for pointing out how things are different and about different colors.

Good Night Michigan is a fun book that talks about a boy and girl traveling around the state for the day and includes fun touristy things to see and do in the Mitten state.  Other states have their own versions and I've been known to send them out to friends as baby gifts

ABC what Can she Be? Is an awesome book we just got for the one year olds birthday.  I love that it talks about professions that you can be when you grow up and doesn't include a lot of the stereotypical professions that women are usually suggested to be.  LOVE.

Okay, so pretty much all of Vashti Harrison's books are needed in your child's library. LOVE LOVE LOVE.  And I also love listening to my oldest read these to her sister.

Tomie's Little Mother Goose is a cute condensed version of nursery rhymes for little ones.  It's my favorite out of the few we own.

What boards were wins in your household this year? What books are on your childs wish list? What books do your kids love to hear but you can't stand to read?? (Mine would be Corduroy shhhh)

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