Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Not Quite Narwhal

Since our children section in the library is back in action we got visited and got books last week.  My kiddo is in full on unicorn obsession mode and this book had a cute cover and beautiful illustrations so I convinced her to give it a try.  (SHE HATES WHEN I TRY TO GIVE TOO MUCH ADVICE on book picking ha).  

Not Quite Narwhal by Jessie Sima is a winner! My seven year old could read it on her own, but she enjoyed it more when I read it to her.  (As did I).

Kelp is a little different from his family of narwhals.  He can't swim as well, his tusk isn't as long, and he's not a fan of the narwhal diet.  No one in his family ever makes him feel bad about himself, but he just doesn't feel like he fits in.  And I'm sure we all have felt that way at one point or another.

One day the current pulls him away and he ventures on to land where he meets unicorns and realizes that he's actually been a unicorn his whole life and the traits that made him a lousy narwhal were on par with other unicorns.

He misses his family and then he goes back and tells them he realized he was a unicorn.  His family responds that they KNEW but loved him anyway.  SO FREAKING CUTE!!!

I really like it and will probably be gifted to a few other unicorn loving kiddos I know on their upcoming birthday's.

The message is great and the illustrations are too! Definitely check this one out if you need a cute story or have a unicorn lover too.

Have you read any great children's books lately? What is a book you usually gift?

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