Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March Lull..

One would think with it being reading month I would have gotten my read on. Not so much, I really need to buckle down or there is NO WAY I will make my reading goal this year. The things holding me back is my goal at reading books that are classics, or longer, or not really my style and it's slowing me down. After I finish the books from this library trip, I am going back to what I like,and maybe some more mindless reading!

Here is the wee lil damage of reading I did in March..
10. The Hours – Michael Cunningham (March 9th)
11. Monster – Walter Dean Myers (March 12th)

Eeek. This is bad. I have been reading Blonde by Joyce Carol Oates since March 12th, but I haven't picked it up in about a week.. I think my goal is to finish it by Friday, which is totally doable. Must step away from the computer for the rest of the week!

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