Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Bridge Ladies

I've enjoyed reading books about women who've lived through the 40-60s.  That generation is fascinating to me.  So close to mine but very different lives. The Bridge Ladies by Betsy Lerner is a non-fiction look at this generation through the eyes and voice of one of its daughters.

Description:  After a lifetime of defining herself against her mother’s Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell generation, Betsy Lerner, a poster child for the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock ’n’ Roll generation, finds herself back in her childhood home of New Haven, Connecticut, not five miles from the mother she spent a lifetime avoiding. When Roz needs help after surgery, it falls to Betsy to take care of her. She expected a week of tense civility; what she got instead were the Bridge Ladies. Impressed with their loyalty, she realized her generation was lacking. Facebook was great, but it wouldn’t deliver a pot roast.

Tentatively at first, Betsy becomes a regular fixture at her mother’s Monday Bridge Club. Before long, she braves the intimidating world of Bridge and comes under its spell. But it is through her friendships with the ladies that she is finally able face years of misunderstandings and family tragedy. The Bridge Ladies become a Greek chorus, a catalyst for change between mother and daughter.

By turns darkly funny and deeply moving, The Bridge Ladies brilliantly weaves the stories of the Bridge Ladies, along with those of Betsy and her mother across a lifetime of missed opportunities. The result is an unforgettable and profound journey into a hard-won—but never-too-late—bond between mother and daughter.

I really liked when Betsy went and visited the ladies and asked them questions outside of their Bridge gatherings.  They are all fascinating people and would reveal more when not around the others.  I also found it interesting how non-emotional/touchy feeling the group was, even after being together for so long.  However, I do think of my own grandmother and she was like this as well.  She had a group of friends she'd get together with often and for years and some that were closer than others but maybe only one of them she'd share personal stuff with, but how do I know?  It is interesting how we are more of a sharing age than ever before.

The book jumps from bridge games to interviews and is heavy on bridge.  My favorite parts were the interviews or conversations.  But, I also know nothing about Bridge.  I do recommend this.  It's a fast book that's about relationships and generational differences. 

How many non-fiction books have you read this year? Have you read anything recently that you'd recommend?

I received this book from TLC book tours but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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